Apollo Root Cause Analysis

A Simple And Intuitive Problem Solving Methodology That Delivers A Consistent And Principle Based Problem Solving Approach

Follow The 4-Steps

You can rely on this four-step principle-based problem solving methodology to master strategies and develop techniques that enable you to construct a powerful understanding of any problem. Learning this problem solving method will give you the problem solving skills needed to capture more essential information and open up more opportunities to identify solutions that eliminate, change or control proven causes.

define the problem

the Problem


create the cause and effect chart

Create the Cause & Effect Chart


identify and challenge effective solutions

Identify & Challenge Effective Solutions


implement and track the best solutions

Implement & Track
the Best Solutions



With the Apollo Root Cause Analysis methodology and RC Pro software you can proactively manage your problems by identifying and preventing future incidents from reoccurring.

Based on the achievement of the participants who have come before you, we can say with confidence that those who implement this problem solving methodology achieve incredible results by finding cost effective solutions that prevent recurrence, are within their control, meet their goals and objectives, and do not cause other unacceptable problems. 

problem solving approach outcomes

Understanding the World’s Most Effective Problem-Solving Method

Our Founder, Dean L. Gano, literally created and wrote the book on evidence-based problem solving. Discover how you can apply these principles to the issues your organization faces.

Download eBook Preview

Download a free preview of Dean’s book. It will introduce you to the concepts of evidence-based problem-solving.