Root Cause Analysis Training

Obtain The Knowledge And Build Problem Solving Skills To Become An Effective Problem Solver

ARCA™ + RC Pro® employ more than one type of training to help you focus on the problem solving approach that works best for you.

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It’s easy to overlook root causes when you use the most common problem solving strategies of analysis or tools. For any given event, there are typically a set of causes that need to be identified for the appropriate effective solution(s) to be discovered and implemented. That’s where the Apollo Root Cause Analysis (ARCA) Methodology empowered by RC Pro® Software comes in.

Apollo Root Cause Analysis and RC Pro

Training Options

Self-Pace Online Root Cause Analysis Training

Self-Paced Online Learning

RC Coach®

This course puts discovery-based learning to work with online root cause analysis training that offers ultimate flexibility with access whenever and wherever the student needs exist.

Learn the essentials of our problem solving process with varied activities, curated readings and numerous exercises.

Virtual Instructor Led Online Root Cause Analysis Training

Virtual Instructor Led Training

Participate Online

Participate in an instructor-led online root cause analysis training to become a certified Apollo RCA facilitator. This course lays down the foundations and practical application of the Apollo Root Cause Analysis method while teaching you how to lead and facilitate group problem-solving strategies.

Our Virtual Sessions can be scheduled to meet your availability.

On-Site Root Cause Analysis Training

On-Site Training

The Hands-On Approach

These courses offer customized face-to-face onsite Instructor Led training to support your continuous improvement goals and objectives over a number of days (1, 2 or 3 days).

On-site training requires a minimum of 10 participants. 

Apollo Root Cause Analysis plus RC Pro and RC Coach

Get The Full Package!

Take advantage of our root cause analysis training and software combinations to maximize their impact in your organization. 

Empower a team's problem solving approach with the RC Pro software and ensure consistent application of the Apollo Root Cause Analysis methodology. 

Get Accredited

Take this training to a higher level by proving your understanding of the Apollo Root Cause Analysis methodology and dedication to mastering the principles of problem solving.

Demonstrate to others that you have the knowledge and problem solving skills required to be an effective problem-solver.

Receive acknowledgment for having met these qualifications and recognition for this achievement. 

Get Accredited for the Apollo Root Cause Analysis Training

Root Cause Analysis Simplified

Understanding The Need

Problem-solving is generally understood as the process of finding solutions to a difficult or complex issue and as you will see it is more specifically about eliminating, changing or controlling causes.

The best solutions are often unfamiliar and novel because they are attached to causes that might otherwise be overlooked by common methods.

To more readily discover opportunities for solutions you will need to understand as many causes as are sufficient and necessary for any given event.

Problem-Solving Illustrated

Causal relationships are defined by cause-and-effect principles that allow us to put form to the structure of reality.

The Apollo Root Cause Analysis methodology is a new way of thinking that goes far beyond the traditional problem solving processes. It facilitates the creation of a common reality using input from all stakeholders to produce an evidence-based understanding of the problem.

You will learn there is no such thing as a single “right” answer and it is not the mythical root cause we seek. Instead we are looking for any number of effective solutions found in a connected set of proven causes. 

Demonstrated Return On Investment

The ability to prevent a significant event from reoccurring may be measured in any number of ways such as cost savings, cost avoidance, reduced risk, increased reliability, improved productivity, competitive advantage and so forth.

When your team's solutions are objectively assessed and implemented on proven causes rather than through people-centric guessing and voting, repeat events will be eliminated.

Training your employees to think causally leads to minor problems being fixed before they cause big problems. The well-trained team will come to their next meeting with causes and evidence while the untrained team will come with stories and opinions. The time saved and the resulting quality of solutions justifies the investment spent on training many times over. 

Interested in on-site training session for your team?

Get in touch with us to discover how we can best support your needs. Please complete the form and we will respond quickly to your inquiry.