Becoming an Accredited Root Cause Analysis Investigator or Facilitator—a marketable skill—will take your training to a higher level and make you part of an elite group who have demonstrated their ability to solve problems using these techniques. This will also help improve your career path, as many companies are currently looking for people with ARCA problem solving skills and Accreditation.
Become an invaluable member of your team by learning the principles and applications of Apollo Root Cause Analysis! Enroll in Accredited Investigator training and discover the power of this proven problem solving methodology and trusted problem solving software to help you investigate or analyze any incident.
Lead your team in rooting out the cause-and-effect structures of the problems you face. By taking on Accredited Facilitator training, you will learn how to manage an investigation into any problem your team/company faces, large or small, and determine effective solutions in the process. Leading a team is an essential part of becoming the best Root Cause Analysis Facilitator you can be.